There might be no such thing as a free lunch, but there are free ads.
We know that everyone’s trying to save a buck wherever they can, so we offer you this: advertise any item with us for $25 or less, and it’s a completely free ad. No commission, no fees, nada. When you sell that item, you’ll owe us nothing at all.
Remember, too, that when you advertise on a commission basis with us, we don’t require any kind of payment upfront. It’s free to advertise, and the commission comes due when you sell the item – a rather convenient plan, since you can use the proceeds from that sale to cover the commission. Keep in mind, too, that you can advertise most items on a commission basis: from houses to horses, nearly everything can be advertised on a pay-when-you-sell schedule. Best of all? The maximum commission is $70.
We’re all about freedom, so please feel free to call us anytime if you’ve got questions about how we work: 1-800-537-9377