Question mark

Questions. We love ‘em. When somebody has a question for us here at Paper Shop, we know that they’re either already advertising with us or thinking of giving us a try. We’re happy to help with and all inquiries, and we’ve found that a number of them are, well, frequently asked questions. Here’s where we take some time to talk about them.

If there were a ranking for the frequency with which we get asked certain questions, this one would not only be in the top ten, it would likely be the crowned champion of FAQs.

The answer? It depends.

Our deadline is 11 am every Friday for the following Wednesday’s print edition. If we get your ad before then, you can count on it being in print the following week. Once we get past that deadline, ads we get are scheduled to appear in the following Wednesday. So if we got your ad before 11 this morning, you’ll find it in the March 20th issue; if we got it after that, it’ll be in print for March 27th.

Remember, though, that every ad we get goes on within 30 minutes of us receiving it. So even if you’ve missed the deadline for the print edition, your ad will be online within half an hour. And we do get a large percentage of reported sales through online ads; it’s not uncommon for items to sell before they even go into print!