
Because we sell anything and everything, we often get ads for the interesting, the unusual and the extremely specialized. One of the best parts of working here is that we learn so much about so many different things. Here’s where we feature an ad that made us sit up and take notice.

We’ll let this ad stand on its own:

LUFTHANSA JUMBO JET tan, 56″L.x 60″W., travel agent display, removable wings, some small chips, $150. +(LAKE HARMONY) 570-401-7569 Jimmy (See Picture Online)

If you’re like us, your first thought is to consider whether or not Aircraft might be a more suitable category for this (it’s in Collectibles). And your second thought would be something like: what a steal! $150! Wow! … oh, wait.

Here’s the jet in question:


We’ll be frank here: we kind of want to own this. It’s just so very unusual and would look really cool if we suspended it from the ceiling of our office; we do, after all, have a Travel & Vacation category, right? Right.