
Yeah, us, too, from time to time. After all, not everyone’s got a great sense of direction. And for those among us who tend to wind up in unpredictable places, November 6th is Marooned Without a Compass Day.

It goes without saying that we’ve got you covered: you’ll find GPS systems in several different spots: Computers, Miscellaneous and even Hunting & Fishing (if a seller has a category preference, we do our best to honor it).

GPS, or global positioning system, will let you know exactly where you’re at. As you likely already know, it uses satellites to determine your latitude, longitude and altitude. As long as you’re within clear sight of four or more satellites, a GPS system will give you a pretty precise idea of your location. There are 24 GPS satellites in orbit at any given time. The system was initially developed for military use, and the network allowed for civilians was intentionally degraded until May 1, 2000, when President Bill Clinton signed off an executive order to enable more precision for civilian systems.

But what if you’re completely okay with your location but having trouble finding a fresh issue of Paper Shop? We’ve got you covered, and it doesn’t require two dozen satellites – just give us a call and we’ll help you find a vendor in a location that works for you.