Good Vibrations!

We woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Despite the cloudy weather and slightly chilly temperatures, we felt upbeat. It occurred to us that we were the direct recipients of some good vibrations. And when we checked the calendar, we knew exactly why: today’s the anniversary of the release of one of the most groundbreaking…

Bass. Or Bass.

We’ve got your basses covered. Whether it’s a fishing boat or a deep-toned guitar that you need, we’ve got ’em. Check Hunting & Fishing for bass items of the fishing sort, and Musical Instruments for bass items that are, well music to your ears! Basses of both sorts are frequent flyers in our pages, and…

Tuba Day

Happy International Tuba Day! As advertisers of musical instruments, we’re more than happy to observe any holiday that salutes musicians. Since it’s the first Friday of May, we tip our hats to the tuba players of the world. Kudos, tuba people! When you think of the tuba, you likely remember it as the backbone of…

Amp it up!

We’d like to toot our own horn here and boast about two rather melodic categories: Musical Instruments & Musical Merchandise. They’re categories with a number of similarities, and, indeed, you’ll find them right near each other in every issue (in this week’s edition, Musical Instruments starts on page 80 while Musical Merchandise debuts on page…