On Schedule

The first time we came across an ad for pipes with a schedule number, we wondered: prompt pipes? We knew that most of the piping advertised with us includes a diameter, but every once in a while, we’ll get an ad for, say, schedule 40 PVC  pipe. What does that mean? Since pressure is very…

Getting it Right (or Left)

Sure, the left-handed may comprise 15% of the population. And southpaws might tend to excel at abstract and creative thought. But these aren’t attributes that apply to the lefties we’re talking about here. Unless you’ve got some kind of magical plumbing, chances are your left-handed tub keeps its talents to itself. Yes, we said left-handed…

Pellet like it is.

Funny-looking little things, aren’t they? If you’re the owner of a pellet stove (or even someone who’s done their homework & considered buying one), you’ll recognize them immediately: fuel. It might shock you to know that pellet stoves burn pellets (we know! Completely floored us, that one did). Sarcasm aside, here’s the really interesting part:…

The Heat Is On …

… well, hopefully it is, considering temperatures will be right around the freezing mark for the foreseeable future. We’re a fantastic source for furnaces, boilers (both residential & commercial), baseboard heaters and other heating systems and accessories, but when you check out our Plumbing & Heating category, you’ll find quite a few ads for that workhorse,…