New Year’s Eve

365 days. 246 blog posts. Fifty-one issues. Fifty-two radio broadcasts. Thousands of ads and hundreds of new advertisers. We’ve been pretty busy – it was one heck of a year! 2013 was not only our 45th year in business, it was also the year that brought completely free advertising – as of November 26, 2013…

The Web We Weave

… is pretty impressive, if we do say so ourselves. We understand that some things take time. And adjustment. And, most importantly, feedback. And we’ve spent an incredible amount of time working on an improved and more user-friendly update to our website. We listened to your suggestions for improving your experience with us and we…


We’re closing in on the 200 post mark (and our 6 month anniversary), and we’d just like to take a moment to thank you for keeping up with us. As always, you’re welcome to comment here, say hello on Facebook, throw a tweet our way, or even contact me, the blog author, at I…

On Time

Stop. Pause. Rewind. Tinker with the space-time continuum (well, sort of). If you miss a Saturday morning broadcast of Paper Shop Live!, there’s always the not-so-live version: the podcast. It’s not only a chance to catch up if you missed the show, it’s also a great way to get any details or contact information you…

Knock on Wood

It’s a staple of home remodeling programs and a feature of homebuying shows: the unexpected wood floor. Who wouldn’t (woodn’t?) want to find beautiful hardwood floors tucked under all that old carpeting? If you’re feeling curious, there are a few ways to get an idea if you’ve got some hidden hardwood. First, try going to…

High Five!

April 18th is National High Five Day. In the spirit of this, we tried to high-five you from our computer, but the results … well, they were less than spectacular. And even if they weren’t, you wouldn’t have seen mind-blowing high-five we had planned, anyway. It seems that we’ll just have to settle for a…

Getting Social

We are rather social beasts here at Paper Shop. We’re not only here on the phones Monday through Friday to take your ads and answer your questions, we’re also available on Facebook, Twitter & Google+. Don’t hesitate to comment, tweet or even message us – we’ve got a longtime Paper Shop employee manning the switches…