
We had to say it. Had to. And there’s probably no better day to do so than on the 138th anniversary of Alexander Graham Bell receiving a patent for a nifty little invention he chose to call the telephone. While Bell’s catchy name for the device stuck, his recommended greeting when using the newfangled apparatus…

@ Your Service

Ever the optimists, we’re looking for that first robin of spring. Sure, he hasn’t turned up yet, but we’re keeping our eyes peeled all the same. And in the meantime, we’re spending some time with his hardier blue cousin: a little bird we call Twitter. It’s estimated that around 500 million tweets are sent out…

True to Type

You’re reading this, so chances are you’re more than a little familiar with a keyboard. Even if you belong to the hunt-and-peck school of typistry, you probably know your way around those keys (you just do it at a more leisurely pace, right? Right!). If you’re past a certain age there’s a strong possibility that…