New Year’s Eve

365 days. 246 blog posts. Fifty-one issues. Fifty-two radio broadcasts. Thousands of ads and hundreds of new advertisers. We’ve been pretty busy – it was one heck of a year! 2013 was not only our 45th year in business, it was also the year that brought completely free advertising – as of November 26, 2013…

4th of July

Are you ready for some noise? We are! We’re also looking forward to some BBQ and time with friends and family. Our office will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. And that got us wondering about early Independence Day celebrations. When was the first? And how do all those fireworks (and…

It’s about time!

The times, they are a-changin’. And to that? We say “good”! We’re happy to spring forward and adjust our clocks accordingly. We’ll still have our same office hours, and the change to Daylight Savings Time won’t have any affect on our ability to get all ads posted on within 30 minutes of when we…

Many Happy Returns

We find that our 30 word limit on commission ads works pretty well, but we can only imagine the size of an ad containing the U.S. tax code: it contains over 7 million words! It’s that time of year. From now until April 15, tax season is upon us. And for many of us, those…

February Predictions

Here’s hoping for a shadow-free Saturday. We’ve got our fingers crossed, but it really is all up to Punxsutawney Phil. The tradition holds that if he sees his shadow, we’re in for six more weeks of winter. If it’s cloudy and there’s no shadow, spring is just around the corner. Us? We’re firmly in the…

Snow Report!

Ah. Winter in NE PA. If you’re a fan of the white stuff, this seems to be your year! Even if you’re not, you can always embrace the unavoidable and check out some winter sports. Maybe it’s time to learn how to cross-country ski. Or perhaps resolve that 2013’s the year that you finally tackle…