West Scranton Students Score High in the National Spanish Exam
Nearly 100 students of Spanish at West Scranton High School participated in the 2015 National Spanish Exam. 44 of those students were awarded medals, recognizing them nationally for their outstanding performance on the exam. Students from West Scranton earned a total of 5 silver and 10 bronze medals, along with 29 medals of honorable performance.
The National Spanish Examinations are administered each year in grades 6 through 12, and are sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
Pictured are the highest exam scorers from West Scranton High School. (Names are alphabetical, according to level and medal earned.):
2015 Silver Medalists:
Level 1:
Emilie Baum, Thomas Rodriguez
Level 2:
Noah Molina, Natalie Olivo (bilingual exam)
Level 3:
Jake MacDonald
2015 Bronze Medalists:
Level 1:
Gabrielle Pagnotti
Level 2:
Blake Carlton, Diana Gonzalez, Krystine Jimenez (bilingual exam), Sean McTiernan, Zach Neimiec, Jacob Wegielewski
Level 3:
Joseph Chesek, Alexandra Kerecman, Diane Matteo
2015 Honors Medals:
Level 1:
Hakim Barr, Tyler Engel, Jack Gariepy, Larry Kendricks, Carly Labrosky, Aaron Mancus, Anthony Nelson, Seth Reese, Michael Waltman, Emily White
Level 2:
Kyle Carozzi, Kaitlin Kennedy, Caroline Kudrich, Isaac Nelson, Callie O’Brien, Nick Pfohl, Tyler Souriyavong, Christian Spathelf, Olivia Viscomi, Nori Zaccheo
Level 3:
Samuel Egan, Jose Fonseca, Christina Kelly, Cassie Merrill, Patrick O’Malley, Jacob Thomas
Level 4:
Neishmy Rodriguez (bilingual exam), Kristen Southard, Obdulia Vazquez (bilingual exam)