Shenandoah Valley High School was one of twelve schools from the county to participate in the “Annual High School Art Exhibit” sponsored by the Schuylkill County Council of the Arts (SCCA). The event showcased approximately 100 works or art created by local students and was on display at the SCCA building in Pottsville (Yuengling Mansion). Each school was permitted to submit a specific number of works and SV art teacher Bill Kreiger was elated to learn that two of his students Natalye Calderon, daughter of Ibrahim Molina & Maria Luisa Calderon, was awarded “Best of Show” for her Prismacolor Pencil & Gouach painting of a rare bird. Natalye was also awarded “First Place in Painting” for her Acrylic painting of Michael Jackson. The other student Kelsey Uholik, daughter of Brad & Lori Uholik, was awarded third place for her Acrylic & Airbrush on Canvas Painting of Marilyn Monroe. Shown in photo L-R: SV Art Teacher Bill Kreiger, Kelsey Uholik, & Natayle Calderon.