“The School District thanks Attorney General Shapiro for the time and resources he and his team members have put into the investigation of Dan Sansky. From the onset of the investigation the District has and will continue to fully cooperate,” said Superintendent Dr. Alexis T. Kirijan.

The investigation was prompted by Auditor General De Pasquale’s audit findings, many of which were addressed immediately and others that are currently being addressed. Mr. De Pasquale addressed the need for operational management and educational changes. The District is operating under a strategic plan, which identifies areas for improvement and strategies for making the improvements.

The District has made improvements in Finance Department management and procedures, which include;
• Contract Approval: All contracts are reviewed by the Board before work is authorized.
• Building Purchase Orders: Before a check goes to Accounts Payable, all payments are reviewed by Principals for approval. They are then sent to the Business Manager for account assignment and jointly reviewed and approved or rejected by the Business Manager and Superintendent.
• Vouchers: Vouchers for goods and services, including vehicles and building maintenance, are authorized by the Department Heads and jointly approved or rejected by the Business Manager and Superintendent.
• Bill List: Prior to each Board Meeting, a Bill List is submitted to the Board for review, which now includes the budget account, the original budget and the available funds.
• Budget Transfers: When necessary, the Board is presented with a budget transfer form to reallocate available funds for expenditures that exceeded the original budget.
• Budget Classifications: For 2019, the budget will be aligned to the recommended PA Department of Education budget classifications. The budget is aligned to the District’s Strategic Plan.
• Policy: In alignment with PASBO Guidelines the purchasing policy was revised to ensure that no contracts above $10,000 are entered into without Board approval. Additionally, “PSBA
recommended” policy updates are reviewed and brought to the Board for approval. Staff is notified of the policy changes.
• Professional Services: Professional services are now bid.
• Utilization of Software: Software is now being utilized to streamline financial operations and staff training is being provided. Scranton School District 425 North Washington Avenue Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
• State Reports: A calendar and reminder system is being utilized to ensure timely submission of PA Department of Education required reports.
• Credit Cards: The District limits credit card use to ensure the tracking of receipts and vouchers.
• Electronic Payments: For the 2018 Summer School Program the District piloted an electronic payment system, which will be expanded to other student activity funds, limiting cashy transactions.
• Health Care Benefits: The District continues to monitor Health Care recipients to ensure proper eligibility.
• Processes and Procedures: The District continues to work closely with PFM to review processes and procedures and align with PA Department of Education’s best practices.

“I am optimistic that the plan the District has in place to increase student achievement, improve systems, processes and procedures, and transition to a culture of excellence, equity, ethics and engagement is attainable over time. By strategically realigning resources, properly distributing workloads, providing teacher and leader training, realistically managing the budget and working toward continuous improvements in all we do student achievement will improve. The changes that were made and will continue to be made will be implemented with Board support ethically and with transparency,” said Superintendent Dr. Alexis T. Kirijan.