The Old Forge High School Leo Club participated in the Feed a Friend event with United Neighborhood Centers. They helped to package and hand out Thanksgiving dinners to local families in need.
Front Row Left to Right: Peyton Neishman, Julian Giglio, Brendan Edwards, Jewel Talarico, Sabrina Talarico, Leah Belotti, Madison Schuback, Jayna Delucca
Second Row Left to Right: Jennifer Wyandt (Advisor), Amanda Katchmar, Shaina Eremo, Patrick McCool, Melaina Pepsin, Ryan Levan, Amanda Jones, Katie Bound, Tori Gaddy
Back Row Left to Right: Mike Washko, Paul McCool, Mario Monacelli, Steven Farber, JJ Roberts, Meredith Giglio, David Pietryka, Danny Zaykowski