Old Forge High School students went to the Youth and Government forum on Friday March 18th. It is Representative Sid Michaels Kavulich’s 6th annual Youth and Government Forum held at Keystone College in LaPlume. The students get to meet directly with government officials, media representatives and those who are involved in government. They get to hear firsthand information and ask questions of these individuals in an open forum. They are senior and sophomore students. Pictured from left John Michael Ayala, Teacher Wendy Waltz-Lohman, Julius Montreal, Andrew Belles, Christian Panusky, Nico Nocera, John Herrera, Nick Pelosi, Brendan Bordick-Lesavage, Eric Parker, Cade Harding, Kara White, Taylor Marsico, Jaret Horn, Rubi Talarico, Debi Sekol, Jasmine, Gibson, Trisha Renna, Daicia Tompkins, Scarlett Spager, Representative Sid Michaelas Kavulich, Andrea Desando, Steven Farber, Ashley Bound, Lexie Digregorio, Taylor Hoover, Victoria Booth, Hannah Shurtleff, Cassidy Burkhart, Mollie Boyd, Amanda Jones, Brianna Cornell, Lindsay Rachko and Teacher Jen Churla