Notre Dame Elementary School (East Stroudsburg)—NDES students celebrated World Kindness Day on November 13th by donating 70 activity pouches to HK Missions, which supplies Pocono Medical Center with gifts for patients in the pediatric ward. The activity pouches, which can keep an ill child occupied with undergoing medical tests and treatment, can include crayons, books, games and hand-drawn “Get Well” cards from the ND students. Students sold “Be Kind” t-shirts, which were designed by Anna Marino, a 6th grade NDES student, to purchase the gifts and pouches. Pictured with the donated pouches are Dawn Rack, Director of HK Missions with her daughter and son, NDES students, NDES Principal Sister Mary Alice Kane, NDES parent coordinator Kelly Caporusso as well as Marynell Strunk, Development and Grants Coordinator at Pocono Medical Center.