On February 5th 2013, The Mountain View Strategies for Life class was presented with an Educational Alliance grant from Exxon Mobil.  Mr. Raymond Bolcavage who serves as a Community Affairs Officer for the company presented the grant to the students.  The company has proved themselves to have a long history of supporting educational programs, such as those that are implemented in the Mountain View School District.   The company believes it is “important to encourage the next generation to pursue studies and careers in fields involving math and science”.  The class plans on using the funds to assist in their garden project that will start in the upcoming Spring Season.  They are also in the process of planning a few educational field trips that will provide opportunities for the students to gain a better understanding of how math and science are incorporated into a variety of careers within our local area!

Pictured left to right: Mr. Raymond Bolcavage, Miss Jaimie Himka, Mrs. Karen Voigt, Brandon Gabriel, Deanna Hansen, Mrs. Karen Bolcavage, Samantha O’Dell, Mr. Michael Slesinski, Joseph Soto, Kristy Kozlowski, Mr. Robert Presley, April Woody, and Mrs. Francine Shea.  Holding the check are Samantha Valentine and Krystalynn Donelson.