Marywood University to Hold Bi-Annual Book Swap and Sale


SCRANTON, PA (November 17, 2017)—For the past 18 years, Marywood University has been promoting books and reading through its biannual book swap and sale. The University’s fall book swap will take place from Monday, December 4, through Friday, December 8, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, in the Learning Commons Lobby. This event is free and open to the public.


In the age of digital reading devices, Marywood’s book swap continues to thrive. Those who still long to turn an actual page can swap old books for new ones or purchase books ranging in price from 50 cents to one dollar.


A wide selection of titles and genres will be available. The book swap and sale is sponsored by the English club and library services. Book donations are being received by Annette Fisher, associate professor of library services, Room 172, in Marywood University’s Learning Commons. For additional information, please call Ms. Fisher, at (570) 348-6211, ext. 2365, or email