Representatives of the American Cancer Society were presented a check from the Lackawanna Trail School District. A check for $7.825 was presented to American Cancer Society Specialist Cindy Delaney and  Society Representive James Kane from Lackawanna Trail Elementary Center Principal Brian Kelly and Fundraiser Chairperson Desirae Gallagher. 

The funds represent the proceeds from the annual Pink Paw for a Cause fundraiser. The students, faculty, famiies and community members banded together to raise the funds through t-shirt sales, basket raffle and dance held at the elementary center in October 9.
So far this  fundraiser has raised approximately $54,000 for cancer research.

Check Presentation

photo: Lackawanna Trail Elementary Principal Brian Kelly, American Cancer Society Specialist Cindy Delaney, Desirae Gallagher funraiser chairperson and American Cancer Society Representative James Kane.