Good Shepherd Academy students sing in New York City

Sixteen members of the Good Shepherd Academy Schola, an auditioned choir of fourth and fifth grade students from Good Shepherd Academy in Kingston, recently participated in a Pueri Cantores choral festival and Mass at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle in New York City. Over two hundred Catholic choristers from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania came together to prepare anthems, hymns, and Gregorian chant for a sung Mass at the conclusion of the festival. Schola members were selected to perform Mozart’s “Ave Verum Corpus” during the prelude to the festival Mass. Pueri Cantores, the official youth choral organization of the Catholic Church, sponsors this and other choral festivals each year in churches around the

Pictured are members of the Schola at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle.

First row, from left: Mr. Raphael Micca, Director, Theresa Khoudary, Abigail Williams, Mae Mathis Baliatico, Janelle Sando, Jessica English, Olivia Stevens, Michael Vodzak, Avery Cole.

Second row: Elizabeth Derolf Siene, Brianna Van Why, Ricky Carey, Anna Brennan, Julianna Kelly, Kathryn Schell, Jessica Phares, Alyssa Evans.