Paper Shop. Live.

There are the undead. And then? There’s customer service at Paper Shop. We pride ourselves on having real, live people to take your calls. No robots. No phone trees. And definitely no zombies. To be completely honest, we may be a just a tiny bit less lively on Monday mornings (What?! We’re being honest, here!),…

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West Scranton Students Win Essay Contest As part of Women’s History Month, which is held in April, the League of Women Voters of Lackawanna County and the Jane Kopas Women’s Center of The University of Scranton held the annual Women’s History Month Essay Contest.  The competition is open to all students in Lackawanna County in…

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Sew What?

You’re probably thinking right about now that puns are our specialty (we’re afraid you’d be partially correct). But we’re also a great place to pick up DIY and craft items. We’re also an exceptionally great source for the organization and storage of those items. Whether you’re a veteran seamstress or novice crafter, you’ll find a…

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The members of the Old Forge High School French Club recently collected and donated items to the Ronald McDonald House of Scranton.  Donated items included Easter baskets and toys as well as everyday items for the House.     Pictured left to right are: (standing) Mrs. Colleen Moulin, moderator, David Pietryka, Gabriella Monteforte, Cameron Carpenter…

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Getting it Right (or Left)

Sure, the left-handed may comprise 15% of the population. And southpaws might tend to excel at abstract and creative thought. But these aren’t attributes that apply to the lefties we’re talking about here. Unless you’ve got some kind of magical plumbing, chances are your left-handed tub keeps its talents to itself. Yes, we said left-handed…

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On Wednesday, march 20th students from Heather Mahon’s German II class celebrated the culmination of the food unit by preparing a German lunch. Students ate traditional German wurst, sauerkraut, red cabbage, and various desserts. Pictured is Ryan Erfman , grade 10

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Price Brackets.

And do it from the comfort of your own home by checking out our Truck/Van Parts category. You’ll find ladder racks, contractor’s truck caps & all sorts of accessories to trick out your truck for work (or even for fun). Tow bars? Truck parts. Tow hitches? Truck parts. Tool boxes? You get the idea. If…

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HOLY REDEEMER JUNIORS TO ATTEND KEYSTONE BOYS STATE PROGRAM     Two Holy Redeemer High School juniors have been selected to attend the Keystone Boys State Program at Shippensburg University. Connor Mulvey and Mike Dubinski were chosen by local American Legion posts to join over 200 other participants in this civics education program. Connor, a resident…

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Daffodils are here can spring be far behind? Once again the Lackawanna Trail Elementary Center community has come together and raised $2,075.00 for the American Cancer Society.  Photo Front, from left, second grade students Maggie Phillips and Phoebe Mattes, middle Ethan Wright, Josh Naniewicz and Noah Stuenzi, back; Daffodil Coordinator Kathy Bossi.

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Valley View High School News Members of the Valley View Math Honor Society recently completed their Easter Community Outreach service project. They would like to thank to following business’s and individuals for their generous donations. Gertrude Hawk, Quinn’s Market, First Liberty Bank, Sam’s Club, Wegmans, Wal-Mart, Penn Star Bank, Giant Market, Aramark, Brenda Farrell and Marie Gooch.   Pictured lf…

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Contact Us!

Maybe you’re just a casual reader here. Or maybe you’re someone who’s more comfortable communicating via email. Either way, you’re welcome to contact me. We’re always trying to address questions that people might have about Paper Shop, and whether you’ve got a query about our policies, an inquiry about our history or even just an…

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Floor Plans

The modern word for carpet comes from the Latin carpere, meaning “to pluck”. In the days of the Romans, carpeting was made from unraveled, or plucked, fabric. So the word for carpeting has the same root as “carpe diem”, which means seize (or pluck) the day. That said, here’s our advice to you: carpet diem.…

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Mid Valley Seniors James Yzkanin and Kristin Yorkanis placed 3rd in the NEIU PA HS Regional Computer Fair for their logo design!     The fair was held on March 11 at Keystone College. High School students in grades 9-12 were eligible to enter and compete. Pictured (left to right): Jeffrey Kovaleski – MV Secondary Assistant Principal,…

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Casual Day (Colon Cancer Awareness Saves Adult Lives) was held on  Thursday, March 21st at Lackawanna Trail High School.  Juniors Chelsy Stuble and Sam Palmiter conducted the fundraiser  for their senior project. They sold pins and t-shirts during lunches for the past month. Anyone who participated were allowed to “dress down” for the day wearing their t-shirts that were purchased.…

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