Riverside High School juniors Corey Allen and Jake Torba recently graduated from the Tomorrow’s Leaders Today program. Tomorrow’s Leaders Today is a program sponsored through Skills in Scranton that brings together area high school students to build leadership skills while working for a good cause. Each year, selected students develop and execute a community service…

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Riverside High School is proud to announce the following accomplishments of seniors at the Career Technology Center     Back row, left to right Dustin Colarusso     Pennsylvania Skills Certificate for Advanced Scores on NOCTI – Building Maintenance, Kevin Jones  Pennsylvania Skills Certificate of Competency for NOCTI – Protective services, National Technical Honor Society – Protective…

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Class Act

Class A. Class B. Fifth wheel. We throw those words around pretty lightly here at Paper Shop. They’re designations for different types of campers & motor homes. What do they mean? Let’s break them down: A Class A motor home is the big daddy of camping. It’s the largest and generally the most luxurious, and…

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Lackawanna Trail High School Envirothon Team traveled to the State Envirothon competition May 21-22 at Juniata College. Lackawanna Trail Trail Blazers won the WyomingCounty portion last week when they partipated with other teams from Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties at Keystone College on May 15.  This years competiton celebrates it 30th Anniversary. Trail finished 20 out of 60…

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Valley View High School News The Valley View High School Virtual Business Program was assisted in funding by the Lackawanna County Workforce Investment Board, a division of The Scranton Chamber of Commerce, this year. Presenting the funds to The Valley View Virtual Business Program are;    Left to right first row; Carolyn Serio, Virtual Business Student;  Virgina Turano, Executive…

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Mr. Christopher Thomas Principal of the Old Forge High School Announces April students of the month.  Left to right: Kara White- Grade 9, Kayla Florovito- Grade 11, Vince Talarico Grade 12, Mr. Christopher Thomas Principal, Hannah Shurtleff Gade 7, and Gabriella Williams- Grade 8 Missing was Nina Pascolini -Grade 10

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Ad of the Week: Joan Jett Guitar Pick

Because we sell anything and everything, we often get ads for the interesting, the unusual and the extremely specialized. One of the best parts of working here is that we learn so much about so many different things. Here’s where we feature an ad that made us sit up and take notice. Not to get…

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Riverside High School’s Envirothon team, led by Biology teacher Mrs. Dawn Chilek, placed 3rd in the Lackawanna County Division in the Lackawanna & Wyoming Envirothon 2013 Team members are, left to right John Plisko, 10th grade Mark Donaghey, 12 grade Lacee Collins 10th grade Kaleb Jones 10th grade Sal Defrancesco 10th grade

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Students in Riverside High School Math Club, under the direction of math teacher Mr. Bill Pabst, recently won the regional Greesylvania Competition. The competition was sponsored by Lackawanna county. The students collected over 2100 pounds of paper to be recycled. Picture, back row, left to right Tyler Armillay, Connor Mailen, Charlie Votkyo, Matt Lucas, Mr.…

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Got game?

If you were like us in 1980, you certainly did. That game involved dots, cherries and a coven of ghosts, and only about 10 folks have ever achieved the arcade version’s maximum score of 3,333,360. Today’s the 33rd anniversary of the release of Pac-Man. If that makes you hungry for some pellets, well, rest assured that…

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Cover Territory

It’s one of the most sought after items that we list. And it’s probably also the most frequently misspelled; not too surprising, since the word’s French and is used by most Americans in no other context. Tonno. Tanow. Even Tonto himself has been name-checked a time or two (we can’t really blame people for this…

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Calling Attention

Sometimes placing an ad online is just the way to go. It’s simple, straightforward and fast. And occasionally even the most outgoing folks among us just prefer the businesslike efficiency of using the internet to get things done. But there are other times when you just need human input. Maybe you’re unclear about the kinds…

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Speed Test

You might say that May 20, 1899 was a bad day for Jacob German. The New York City cab driver was issued a speeding ticket. In fact, it was the first traffic ticket issued in he United States. German was cited for driving down Lexington Avenue at a whopping 12 MPH (the speed limit at…

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Seven students from Lackawanna Trail in grades 5-8 participated in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NPCTM) at Marywood University on May 16. Students participating were, front from left, Alec Jones (5th grade) and Zach Stec (6th grade); back, Nate Rolka (6th grade), Caroline Mack (7th grade), Autumn Hendershot (7th Grade), Madison Lee (7th grade) and Connor Tobin (5th grade).…

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Special Recognition Awards Presented to Two Members of the Blue Devil Pride At the recent concert, two senior members of the Shenandoah Valley Blue Devil Pride were presented with special awards for their outstanding dedication, commitment, & participation to the marching & concert bands. The National School Marching Band Award was presented to Alex Miscannon…

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