Classified Information

Your secrets are safe with us. And so is your email! If you’ve checked out our website, you’ve probably discovered that it’s pretty simple to register. You’ve also likely noticed that we require an email address to do so. In fact, even when you advertise with us over the phone, we do ask if you’d…

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It’s the Lease We Can Do.

Well, it is. When you’re looking to rent, it generally means that you’re making some changes. Maybe you’re downsizing your living space, or maybe you’ve outgrown your current home. Perhaps you’re starting a business. Or maybe it’s time to stash that boat or classic car for a season or two. No matter what the circumstances,…

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It’s Your Party, So Pie If You Want To!

January 23 is National Pie Day. We can dig that (though we’ve got a bit of a mathematical bent, so we prefer Pi Day on March 14th). Nevertheless, we’ll get behind anything that brightens up mid-winter, especially if it involves sugary goodness! It also happens to birthday of the Frisbee (inventor Walter Frederick Morrison sold the…

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As part of their Senior Project, the Old Forge Senior Girls recently started making Bracelets as part as The Coaches Vs Cancer donation to the American Cancer Society. Cancer has effected their friends and family in so many ways so they wanted to contribute any way possible to such a great cause. They hand make…

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Holy Cross students participated in the PMEA District 9 Chorus Festival held January 8-10 at Marywood University. Show below are: Ms. Jillian Rojek, chorus teacher, Molly Cerep, Gina Pettinato, Nina Mucciolo, Monica Vera, and Sarah Rainey. Gina, Nina, Monica, and Sarah were all selected to participate in the PMEA Region IV Chorus Festival.

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Holy Cross ProLife Club made a donation to the University of Scranton Medical Alumni Council. The council is setting up a primary care clinic in Haiti. Shown in the picture are: second row: Mr. Benjamin Tolerico (principal), John Luczkovich (Treasurer), Chris Gasper (Education), Tyler Bielinski (Secretary), Ryan Dolan (Education), Mrs. Kathryn Yaklic (ProLife Club Advisor)…

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On Display

Modesty is overrated. There, we said it. But when it comes to letting people know about your business or what you’re trying to sell, why not make a splash? We offer display advertising for as little as $13.50 a week. And we’d be delighted to go over all the options that we’ve got; give us…

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Marywood University’s President Receives a Certificate of Appreciation from the Kurdish-International Youth Organization   SCRANTON, Pa—Sister Anne Munley, IHM, Ph.D., president of Marywood University, recently received a certificate of appreciation from the Kurdish-International Youth Organization’s foreign relations chief and Marywood University graduate student, Hemn Mamrash.  The certificate was given in appreciation of Sister Anne’s support…

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Fits & Starts

We get it. Somewhere between the momentum of a new year and the long, dull slide into the dead of winter, it’s pretty easy to lose that spark that made your New Year’s resolutions seem doable. We weren’t a bit surprised when we checked out our calendars this morning and saw that January 17th is…

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2013-2014 Shenandoah Valley Student Council   Pictured are the members of the 2013-2014 Shenandoah Valley Student Council. Seated in photo are the council oficers (L-R): Mikayla Davidson Secretary, Lidia German President, Mr. Anthony Pytko Faculty Advisor, Jillian Dove Vice president, & Kristen Florio Treasurer. Standing Middle Row: Tabitha Collins, Clarence Grutza, Nicholas Gurski, Nicholas Rusin,…

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Shenandoah Valley Chapter of the National Honor Society   Seated in the first row are the officers and faculty advisors of the Shenandoah Valley High School Chapter of the National Honor Society (L-R): Elizabeth Andrefski NHS co-advisor, Abigail Kayes Secretary, Eric Macker President, Jillian Dove Vice President, Evan Rooney Treasurer, & Melissa Kayes NHS co-advisor.…

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Marywood University Student Receives a Scholarship from the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Lackawanna County   Marywood University student Margaret Presnal, Sayreville, NJ, was recently awarded the Dr. John H. Corcoran Scholarship from the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Lackawanna County. In hopes of enlarging an appreciation…

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