Question mark

Questions. We love ‘em. When somebody has a question for us here at findnflip, we know that they’re either already advertising with us or thinking of giving us a try. We’re happy to help with and all inquiries, and we’ve found that a number of them are, well, frequently asked questions. Here’s where we take some time to talk about them.

So you’ve heard that all the ads we’ve got on our website are completely free for anyone to view. And perhaps you excitedly surfed on over to to check it out for yourself. And then? Disappointment. Shattered dreams. Rending of garments. All because those ad phone numbers are still missing! What gives?

First off, calm down. You haven’t been excluded from some sort of free online ad party. We promise. In fact, the reason that you’re not seeing all that free ad goodness is quite simple: you’re either not logged on to our website or you’ve never created an account. And, either way, it’s a very simple (and free) fix. If you’ve used before, simply log in, and – voila! – you’ll be able to see the phone numbers in every ad. Never used us before? That’s fine. Simply click on “Register Now” to create an account for yourself. Just enter your name, address, phone number and a password you can easily remember and you’ll be good to go.

Aside from the obvious benefit of being able to see everything we’ve got, creating an account on our website allows you to save ads you like and even save your search results so that you can go back at any time and check out items that interest you. It also makes it a snap to place ads when you’re ready to do so.