Games People Play

Can we get a moment of silence in remembrance of the iron Monopoly token? (insert moment of silence here) As you may have read, Hasbro is retiring the iron after a heated online election, and it’s being replaced with a cat token. We’re all for cats, but we can’t help but mourn the noble iron…

Many Happy Returns

We find that our 30 word limit on commission ads works pretty well, but we can only imagine the size of an ad containing the U.S. tax code: it contains over 7 million words! It’s that time of year. From now until April 15, tax season is upon us. And for many of us, those…

February Predictions

Here’s hoping for a shadow-free Saturday. We’ve got our fingers crossed, but it really is all up to Punxsutawney Phil. The tradition holds that if he sees his shadow, we’re in for six more weeks of winter. If it’s cloudy and there’s no shadow, spring is just around the corner. Us? We’re firmly in the…

Have a ball (or 100)

There are three of them on the moon. They can have between 300 & 500 dimples (the standard is generally 336). Americans spend $600 million on them annually. And the average golfer goes through 100 of them every year. We are, of course, talking about golf balls. And we’ve got them advertised. You can find…


Shakespeare said that brevity is the soul of wit. The Bard may have had a point. Then again, old William was likely not placing an ad for a detailed item. We allow up to 30 words in every commission ad. For the more concise among us (and for certain items), that’s more than enough. Sometimes,…