Like Magic!

Oh ho ho, it’s Magic, you know. Never believe it’s not so! *ahem* We hope you’ll forgive us that little blast from the past (and that you’ll also forgive us for getting that Pilot song stuck in your head as well as ours), but we’ve seldom come across a pet with such an apt name! Magic…


We’d like to emphasize the gravity of the situation: cat. Door. And if you’re a cat owner, you know that whichever side of the door the cat’s on is decidedly the wrong side. When he wasn’t busy formulating the laws of gravity and making countless discoveries in the worlds of optics and mathematics, Sir Isaac…

Finding Lyric

Guten Morgen! We’ll hope you’ll excuse the Teutonic outburst, but we saw this Plott Hound and just couldn’t help ourselves. You can find Lyric on page 79 of this week’s issue; she’s Griffin Pond Animal Shelter‘s featured pet of the week. We hadn’t seen this particular type of dog featured before, and a little research…

Walking Papers

Today’s the 140th anniversary of the founding of the American Kennel Club (AKC for short). Without a doubt, we’re huge fans of dog shows; we’re big fans of dogs in general. We offer registered dogs & mixed breed dogs and we’re also happy to publish weekly updates from Griffin Pond Animal Shelter and SPCA of Luzerne…

You bet the farm we’ve got it!

At Paper Shop we’re got some sheep, E-I-E-I-O! Donkeys, roosters, even peeps, E-I-E-I-O! *ahem* In other words, we could keep Old Mac Donald in business! Our Farm Supplies category contains not only tractors, haybines & electric fencing, it’s also got livestock, poultry and the necessities for both. See that handsome fellow at the top of…


And Milos. And Lincolns. February 20th is Love Your Pet Day, and we’d like to point out that there are lots of adoptable pets for the loving. The handsome fellow pictured above is Oscar. He’s an 8-1/2-year-old Lhasa Apso. He’s not only featured on page 82 of this week’s issue, he’s also available for adoption at…

Hot Dog!

We’d always thought the Dog Days were a summer thing, but we’re now reconsidering. What’s made us change our tune? These five simple words: Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The show has been televised since 1948 (and streamed online since 2006) and it’s become something of a February tradition to catch the annual event. We’ve…