Word up!

Did you know that English has the largest vocabulary of any language on earth? it’s estimated that our language contains around 800,000 words, and the average English speaker uses about 60,000 of those words. That may seem like a rather puny percentage, but when you think about it, it’s actually pretty impressive: many of those…

Good Vibrations!

We woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Despite the cloudy weather and slightly chilly temperatures, we felt upbeat. It occurred to us that we were the direct recipients of some good vibrations. And when we checked the calendar, we knew exactly why: today’s the anniversary of the release of one of the most groundbreaking…

Bill Power

We know, we know. Our updated cover design was so very impressive that the Department of Treasury had no choice but to follow suit. We became more colorful and easy to spot and – bam! – so did the new $100 bill, entering circulation today. All kidding aside, we seriously can’t take credit for the…


With it’s nuanced and carefully chosen lyrics, it’s a pretty unforgettable song. Okay, we lie. Not about the unforgettable part (because it certainly is), but about the lyrics. In fact there’s only one: Tequila! And it’s repeated three times. “Tequila” started out as, basically, a recorded jam session and appeared in early 1958 as the…

Can we be frank?

Well … maybe not. It’s a rather dangerous proposition, really; Americans consume nearly 7 billion hot dogs every summer between Memorial Day and Labor Day. That’s a whole lot of Frankfurters, wieners and footlongs! Our minds have gone to the dogs today for a particular reason: July 23 is National Hot Dog Day. And in…