Fooling Around

We considered some kind of really fun prank for April Fool’s Day. Perhaps news that we were going to start printing our weekly issues on scrolls. Or a story about how our new website will offer an app to diffuse new car smell as you browse our Auto category. In the end, however, we decided…

Bass. Or Bass.

We’ve got your basses covered. Whether it’s a fishing boat or a deep-toned guitar that you need, we’ve got ’em. Check Hunting & Fishing for bass items of the fishing sort, and Musical Instruments for bass items that are, well music to your ears! Basses of both sorts are frequent flyers in our pages, and…

May Day!

It’s a worldwide celebration of spring. But remove that space between the words and it becomes a distress signal. Ever wonder why? While searching for an easily understood phrase to signal life-threatening distress, in 1923 a Senior Radio Officer at London’s Croydon Airport proposed the word “mayday” (to be repeated three times). It was an…

Wheels. And Deals!

Ready to get your motor runnin’? Head out on the highway? Yeah, us too. Some people gauge the arrival of spring by the first crocus to peep out of the snow or by the appearance of the first robin, but not us. We know spring’s on its way when our Motorcycle category begins taking off.…

It’s about time!

The times, they are a-changin’. And to that? We say “good”! We’re happy to spring forward and adjust our clocks accordingly. We’ll still have our same office hours, and the change to Daylight Savings Time won’t have any affect on our ability to get all ads posted on within 30 minutes of when we…