With summer right around the corner and life getting back to “normal”, this is the time when many of us want to improve our health and fitness. While having specific health and fitness goals in mind is excellent, people often go to extremes to accomplish these goals. They try the newest fad diet or workout…


If your house looks anything like mine, you’ve got a lot of unused stuff lurking in your closets, basement, and attic. Old furniture, tools you haven’t used in years, still-working electronic gadgets that have been replaced by newer ones, equipment for sports you no longer play — it’s all perfectly usable, but right now, all…

Camping season is just around the corner

  With the official start of camping season just around the corner, you should start planning with the reservation of campsites. Make sure to find out what Covid-19 regulations they have in place and what you are allowed to have and not have.   Are you using a tent?  If so, make sure you know…

Put Your Money where your HOME is!

Put Your MONEY where your HOME is! It’s no secret that COVID-19 related closures and restrictions have impacted many small businesses in numerous challenging ways. The global pandemic has thrown one too many hurdles in the path of nearly every small business owner, constantly testing their ability to profitably adjust their business model and keep…


Although a lot of us have grown up in NEPA — many have watched winter approach with a pit in their stomach. Cold weather brings to mind short, frigid days and long, dark nights, with the sun setting long before the work day even ends. As the coronavirus pandemic stretches into nearly a full year…

The year that everything changed!

The year that everything changed!   How will you remember 2020? A year of stress and strain? Or as a year of resilience? Perhaps the key question isn’t how we remember 2020, but how are we approaching 2021? “When will this pandemic end?” is a question we’ve heard with increasing frequency this year. As 2020…