A farmers’ market is a place where local farmers sell fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese, bakery products, plants, and much more! Farmers’ markets are amazing for the local community. They are a great resource to get fresh food, you can gather and mingle with community members, and they help small farmers and small businesses gain customers and exposure.

You should attend a farmers’ market near you because you can get farm fresh food rather than the days old fruits and vegetables that you find at the grocery store. At grocery stores produce gets shipped in refrigerated trucks from miles away. At a farmers’ market, you can get produce that has just been freshly picked and not worry about where it came from. In addition, most of what you are getting is ripe and ready to eat. Overall, it is more nutritious and it also tastes better! You can also save a few dollars because the prices are way lower when you buy at a farmers’ market than at the store.

The main reason you should shop at a farmers’ market is that it supports the farmers right in your local community. There is nothing better than shopping local and helping one another.

Check out all the Farmers’ Markets happening in NEPA in September:

View this calendar in full and see more information about each one of the farmers’ markets by clicking here.