You have the urge to purge, but you may hesitate to sell your unwanted goods because some items have sentimental value and it’s hard to let go of them. Or you think you might need some items, even though you’ve stowed them away in a commercial storage unit. However, now is as good a time as any to sort through and sell what you can. Selling unwanted items has many benefits. It frees up space for the seller and generates cash. Buyers don’t have to buy new, and during this uncertain time who doesn’t LOVE a good Bargain.

Remember these key tips when Buying and Selling


Buying Tips:

  1. Use Familiar Website: Find n Flip, Paper Shop’s new digital platform and Mobile App is backed by over 52 years of LOCAL service.  Remember, if you have questions or need assistance you can always call us at 1-800-537-9377 or stop by and see us.  We are happy to help!


  1. Protect your personal information:  Never share personal or banking information.  Communicate through the “chat” feature if possible, to limit personal contact info.


  1. Understand Delivery or Pickup Options: If possible, always plan to meet in a public well-lit area place and avoid meeting anyone alone.


Selling Tips:


  1. Take Quality Photos:  With online platforms buyers are very visual and will only stop to read the description it the pictures “catch their eye”. Pictures are FREE and you can upload unlimited pictures on our digital platforms.


  1. Write a detailed Description:  the item’s description should answer any questions the buyer might have. Include as many details as possible such as age, brand, color style, dimensions.


  1. Price the Item with a Goal in Mind:Do your research to determine the value of the item and what buyers might be willing to pay.  The item’s age, level of wear and brand should also factor into price.  If your looking to get rid of an item FAST, list below similar priced items so that it sells more quickly.



Buy and Sell with us Now!