Valley View School News

HELPING OTHERS PUT THEIR BEST FOOT FORWARD Members of the Valley View Leo Club donated new socks to the Visiting Nurse Association and Voluntary Action Center’s Sock It To Us program. This program donates socks to the human service agencies throughout Lackawanna County. From left to right: Fernanda Morato, Leo Club Vice President; Allison Giombetti,…

Old Forge news

Art students from Old Forge High School completed the “Paint the Plow” project to promote winter safety in collaboration with PennDOT. Bottom left to right: Julian Gigio, Mason Morrison , Ricky Eisele, Nick Casella Top left to right: Denise Evans, Kacie Kosek, Kelaiaah Reynolds -Braithwaite

PAEP Receives Unprecedented Federal Grant of $2.4 Million

Organization Plans to Build Mathematics, Literacy & Science Competencies through an Arts Integration Model The Philadelphia Arts in Education Partnership (PAEP) was awarded an unprecedented grant for $2.4 million by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement through its Assistance for Arts Education Development and Dissemination Program (AAEDD). With the grant, PAEP…

MMI art instructor Lisa Marie Ferry gives presentation at Pennsylvania Art Education Association conference for third consecutive year

MMI art instructor Lisa Marie Ferry gave a presentation for the third consecutive year at the Pennsylvania Art Education Association (PAEA) conference, which was held in October in Harrisburg. Ferry’s presentation was entitled “Holy Lesson Plan Batman! Adaptables to Encourage Student Success.” During the presentation, she shared several lesson plans that can be adapted to…

Halloween 18- Old Forge

Students in the Old Forge French Club donated and presented Halloween gifts to the Ronald McDonald House of Scranton this week for the children of the House and hospital.  Pictured above are Evan Kerrigan, Brett Wargo, Hannah Grasso, Jonathan Nicholoff, George Jurnak, Jenna Ziemba, Hannah Lisowski, Andrew Cummings, Olivia Osborne, Abby Robson, Maddie Wagner, Binnie…

West Scranton – Reading Time at the Mall

On Saturday, November 3, the Keystone State Literacy Association hosted Reading Time at the Marketplace at Steamtown. The over 250 children in attendance listened to stories, made crafts, and received a free book to take home. Four West Scranton students volunteered their time to help at the event – Photo 1: left to right) Katherine Morales, Tiffany…

Marywood University’s Interior Architecture Faculty and Students to Host Design Talk LIVE Broadcast Network on Social Media

Marywood University’s interior architecture department recently announced that it will be the inaugural school hosting a weekly one-hour interview segment on the first live broadcast network on social media, Design Talk LIVE. The inaugural show will launch the first week of December on Mondays at 12 p.m. EST/9 p.m. PST. Marywood’s interior architecture faculty member…

Wyoming Area Drama Club

Wyoming Area Drama Club, Thespian Troupe #4795 Presents ‘Daddy’s Girl’ Wyoming Area Secondary Center, 252 Memorial Street, Exeter PA Friday, November 16, 7:00pm to 9:00pm Saturday, November 17, 7:00pm to 9:00pm Sunday, November 18, 2:00pm to 4:00pm The Wyoming Area Drama Club, Thespian Troupe #4795 Proudly Presents its Fall Production ‘Daddy’s Girl’ By Gary Ray…