Mountain View Students of the Month for March

Mountain View students named Students of the Month at the Jr/Sr High School The following students were named students of the month at Mountain View Jr. Sr. High School for the month of March. Students are nominated by faculty members and selected by committee: November’s Students were 7th grader Logan Dick, 9th grader Dominick MacDonald and 12 grader Tyler Striefsky. Picture attached: From left to Right: 7th grade Logan Dick, Senior Tyler Striefsky, Freshman…

You can be a small business owner!

Selling your items is easy to do with Paper Shop. All you have to do is write a description, upload a picture of your item and your done! However, some of you may not know that you can actually become a new business owner by utilizing Paper Shop. There are a bunch of business owners…


Susquehanna Community High School 3rd Marking Period Honor Roll     Highest Honors 92.5 -100 12th Grade –  Angel Bieloski, Michael Braun, Robert Burns, Avery DiGregorio, Anthony Dolfini, Devon Dubanowitz, Emily Fremberg, Lia Heath, Aaron Herbert, Kaylee Landry, Cody MacDonald, Alyssa Osterhout, Rhiannon Potter, McKenzie Rhone, Adam Rockwell, Nicole Swanson, Chloe Tinklepaugh, Cameron Wasko  11th…