Amp it up!

We’d like to toot our own horn here and boast about two rather melodic categories: Musical Instruments & Musical Merchandise. They’re categories with a number of similarities, and, indeed, you’ll find them right near each other in every issue (in this week’s edition, Musical Instruments starts on page 80 while Musical Merchandise debuts on page…


Two West Scranton students were honored for combining foreign language skills with literature.  Sophomores Devinne Scott and Dany Huanira received first place awards in West Scranton’s annual Spanish Poetry Recitation Contest, held among the Spanish 2 classes of Mrs. Linda Cerra. Photo:  Devinne Scott and Dany Huanira are presented with their First Place Spanish trophies.  


On February 5th 2013, The Mountain View Strategies for Life class was presented with an Educational Alliance grant from Exxon Mobil.  Mr. Raymond Bolcavage who serves as a Community Affairs Officer for the company presented the grant to the students.  The company has proved themselves to have a long history of supporting educational programs, such as those…

Pellet like it is.

Funny-looking little things, aren’t they? If you’re the owner of a pellet stove (or even someone who’s done their homework & considered buying one), you’ll recognize them immediately: fuel. It might shock you to know that pellet stoves burn pellets (we know! Completely floored us, that one did). Sarcasm aside, here’s the really interesting part:…


Valley View School NewsThe Valley View Life Skills students participated in the dental health program presented by Amy Evans, RDH from Century Dental Associates, Eynon, PA for Dental Health Awareness month.    Pictured left to right front row; Selena Colon, Tommy Miraglia, Gene Hazelton Pictured left to right back row; Amy Evans, RDH from Century Dental; Raymond Colon, Angela…


The Old Forge High School Blue Devils Football Banquet was held on Sunday January 27 at All Seasons Banquet Center.     Mr. Richard Tomasetti and Brian Tomasetti present the Coach Vincent Tomasetti Memorial Award Outstanding Lineman to Anthony DeSando