Sock it to you!

Notice, friends, that we didn’t say “socks it to you”; May 9th is Lost Sock Memorial Day. Today we take a moment to consider the tragedy of the thousands of socks lost every year (and the unfortunate mates that are left behind). Like the meaning of life and the quandary of chicken and the egg,…


West Scranton Student Essays on Display Congratulations to fifteen West Scranton students, who wrote essays with the theme of “Leaving Our Planet Better Than We Found It.”  The students were selected to have their work on exhibit at the University of Scranton on Thursday, April 25.  West Scranton’s entries represented half of all the entries submitted to…


West Scranton – Students of the Month (March)  Senior Ryan Fletcher and freshman Julia Stefaniwere chosen as the Students of the Month at West Scranton High School for the month of March 2013.  One girl and one boy are selected each month from names submitted by teachers as part of West Scranton’s School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Program.  These…

Bass. Or Bass.

We’ve got your basses covered. Whether it’s a fishing boat or a deep-toned guitar that you need, we’ve got ’em. Check Hunting & Fishing for bass items of the fishing sort, and Musical Instruments for bass items that are, well music to your ears! Basses of both sorts are frequent flyers in our pages, and…


The Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County recently held its annual “School-to-Work” Banquet honoring local employers and students that participate in Cooperative Education.  The Cooperative Education program at the Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County allows outstanding students to explore an actual work experience in their selected field.  This is a one-year opportunity for seniors…