Istanbul (or Constantinople?)

Today’s the anniversary of the 1453 fall of Constantinople. But was it Istanbul? Or Constantinople? (And, hey – how did Constantinople get the works? Guess that’s nobody’s business but the Turks’.) We’re risking a pretty severe case of earworm to make a point: sometimes something that’s very familiar can have two different names. A great…


Good Shepherd Academy is proud to announce the Eighth Grade Graduates.  They will graduate on Friday, June 7, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Ignatius Church, Kingston. Family and friends will be invited to a reception to follow at Good Shepherd Academy.  8th Grade Graduates: IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER:Artemisia Isabella Ashton, Jared Joseph Barnak, Madelyn Rose…


Riverside High School juniors Corey Allen and Jake Torba recently graduated from the Tomorrow’s Leaders Today program. Tomorrow’s Leaders Today is a program sponsored through Skills in Scranton that brings together area high school students to build leadership skills while working for a good cause. Each year, selected students develop and execute a community service…


Riverside High School is proud to announce the following accomplishments of seniors at the Career Technology Center     Back row, left to right Dustin Colarusso     Pennsylvania Skills Certificate for Advanced Scores on NOCTI – Building Maintenance, Kevin Jones  Pennsylvania Skills Certificate of Competency for NOCTI – Protective services, National Technical Honor Society – Protective…

Class Act

Class A. Class B. Fifth wheel. We throw those words around pretty lightly here at Paper Shop. They’re designations for different types of campers & motor homes. What do they mean? Let’s break them down: A Class A motor home is the big daddy of camping. It’s the largest and generally the most luxurious, and…


Lackawanna Trail High School Envirothon Team traveled to the State Envirothon competition May 21-22 at Juniata College. Lackawanna Trail Trail Blazers won the WyomingCounty portion last week when they partipated with other teams from Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties at Keystone College on May 15.  This years competiton celebrates it 30th Anniversary. Trail finished 20 out of 60…


Valley View High School News The Valley View High School Virtual Business Program was assisted in funding by the Lackawanna County Workforce Investment Board, a division of The Scranton Chamber of Commerce, this year. Presenting the funds to The Valley View Virtual Business Program are;    Left to right first row; Carolyn Serio, Virtual Business Student;  Virgina Turano, Executive…


Mr. Christopher Thomas Principal of the Old Forge High School Announces April students of the month.  Left to right: Kara White- Grade 9, Kayla Florovito- Grade 11, Vince Talarico Grade 12, Mr. Christopher Thomas Principal, Hannah Shurtleff Gade 7, and Gabriella Williams- Grade 8 Missing was Nina Pascolini -Grade 10


Riverside High School’s Envirothon team, led by Biology teacher Mrs. Dawn Chilek, placed 3rd in the Lackawanna County Division in the Lackawanna & Wyoming Envirothon 2013 Team members are, left to right John Plisko, 10th grade Mark Donaghey, 12 grade Lacee Collins 10th grade Kaleb Jones 10th grade Sal Defrancesco 10th grade