SADD Club Members Earn Certificates of Appreciation Students representing the SADD club of West Scranton High School display certificates of appreciation presented by the Lackawanna/Susquehanna Drug and Alcohol Office.  The students participated in Red Ribbon Week activities sponsored by that office.   Pictured left to right: Morgan Murphy; Samantha Williams; Kierstan Kearney; Brad Robinsonl Coletta Rempe; Felisia Gonie; Nancy Ramirez; Leah Farino Students…

Veterans Day

We’d like to take a moment to salute those who have served in the armed forces, both here and abroad. We know that one day out of the year isn’t nearly enough to honor your patriotism, dedication and countless sacrifices, but we do want every veteran to know that we truly and deeply appreciate all…


Valley View High School NewsThe Valley View Sophomore Health classes gathered for a presentation on Organ & Tissue Donation.  Marcia Rudat, Volunteer for the Northeast PA Coalition Gift of Life Donor Program presented information on Organ & Tissue Donation. Pictured are Mrs. Aniska’s and Mr. Munley’s Sophomore Health Class along with Mrs. Marica Rudat.


Approximately 150 students from nine area high schools including Western Wayne participated in the FBLA Region 22 Leadership Workshop at Carbondale Area High School. Conducting the opening and business sessions were the regional officers—four Western Wayne students–Joseph Boyko, President; Kayla Bolduc, Vice President; Adam Curtis, Secretary; and Zachary Curtis, Treasurer. Those members in attendance had…

For the Birds

340 million. That’s how many tweets are posted every single day. And we here at Paper Shop contribute about five or six tweets daily to that staggering number. We’re particularly well-suited to Twitter, because we’re used to working within pretty strict guidelines to say the things we want to say; our most common ads are…


Yeah, us, too, from time to time. After all, not everyone’s got a great sense of direction. And for those among us who tend to wind up in unpredictable places, November 6th is Marooned Without a Compass Day. It goes without saying that we’ve got you covered: you’ll find GPS systems in several different spots:…


LTEC Principal Dr. Tania Stoker, Cindy Delaney, Specialist Income Development for American Cancer Society, Desiree Gallagher, Pink Paws for a Cause Co-Ordinator   Cindy Delaney, Specialist, Income Development for the American Cancer Society was presented a check for $8,105.50. The funds were raised by the annual Pink Paws for a Cause fundraiser at the Lackawanna…


Hannah Yanoski, Grade 9, is the first female in Valley View history to be the PIAA District 2 Class AA Golf Champion.  Hannah went on to be the 2013 PIAA Eastern Regional 5th place finisher and a 2013 PIAA Class AA State Qualifier. Hannah is also a member of the Valley View Marching Band and Basketball Teamis the first female…


Five seniors from Riverside High School , Peter Miles, Abbey Wzorek, Kelsey Shaughnessy, Mat Lucas and Madison Haduck, recently attended the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast.  Students from area schools and leaders from religious, political and business organizations attended the event.   Pictured from left to right Madison Haduck;; Mat Lucas;; Abbey Wzorek; Peter Miles; Kelsey Shaughnessy


Good Shepherd Academy’s Academic Bowl Team recently participated in the Young Scholar’s Program at Scranton Prep. Twenty-one area schools, striving to correctly answer questions in mathematics, science, history,geography, grammar, literature sports, and pop culture, competed. Good Shepherd Academy students were successful in the first two rounds and proceeded to Round Three. Nine teams advanced to this…