Lost & Found

Remember Waldo? Sure, it was fun to hunt him down in the crowd. Sometimes a challenge is fun. But sometimes? It’s as frustrating as can be. While we’re very proud of our website and we’re delighted to make every single ad available for free, we understand that some folks like to get themselves a hard…


West Scranton’s School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Program Honors the December Students of the Month Eleventh graders Aaron Denicola and Rebecca Freeman were chosen as the Students of the Month at West Scranton High School for December 2013.  One girl and one boy are selected each month from names submitted by teachers and staff as part of West Scranton’s…

The Web We Weave

… is pretty impressive, if we do say so ourselves. We understand that some things take time. And adjustment. And, most importantly, feedback. And we’ve spent an incredible amount of time working on an improved and more user-friendly update to our website. We listened to your suggestions for improving your experience with us and we…


West Scranton High School “Angel on the Tree” The Student Council of West Scranton High School held its annual “Angel on the Tree” collection to benefit fellow students of the Scranton School District.  Students and faculty at West Scranton purchased various toys, clothes, and gift items for children “adopted” through the program.  Approximately 50 young children in…


LVC HS Honors Band & Schuylkill County Chorus   Three members of the Shenandoah Valley “Blue Devil Pride” auditioned and were selected to perform with the LVC High School Honors Band on January 25, 2014 at the Lebanon Valley College. Shown in the photo are (L-R): Kayla Stiely, Elementary Music Instructor, Rocco Roguskie  French Horn,…

Do you know the SCORE?

On this day in 1958, something pretty special took to the air. Quite literally, in fact: the first communications satellite, called SCORE (Signal Communications by Orbiting Relay Equipment), was launched. While orbiting, the satellite broadcast a  Christmas message from President Dwight D. Eisenhower via short wave radio. It proved for the first time that such…


The Mid Valley Student Council recently held its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. This year the students were assisted by Boy Scout Troop 73 of Throop. Students in the school collected enough food and turkeys to deliver Thanksgiving baskets to 25 families in the community. Kneeling (left to right): Joseph Chieffallo, Nicole Hughes, McKenzie Runco, Ashley…


Blue Ridge High School Varsity Club Members Picture:  Charlotte Hall, Lindsey Burdick, Kimmy Klim, Kara Empett, Anja Whitehead, Brittany Ucci, Jessica Oakley, Kalieb Scheideler, Evan Aldrich, Sean Woodruff, David Austin & Justin Carpenter Picture:  Austin Cardoza, Ryan Rogers, Amber Brecht, Erin Perry, Kimmy Klim, Abigail Roe, Lindsey Rupakus & Dakota Gulick