True to Type

You’re reading this, so chances are you’re more than a little familiar with a keyboard. Even if you belong to the hunt-and-peck school of typistry, you probably know your way around those keys (you just do it at a more leisurely pace, right? Right!). If you’re past a certain age there’s a strong possibility that…

Russian In

Nasdarovje! Yeah, yeah. We know. Friday’s still a few hours away, but we’re getting into the spirit of this day: February 27th is National Kahlúa Day, and who are we to miss the opportunity to salute a vital ingredient to the famous White Russian cocktail?! As odd as it may seem now, until a huge…


LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT TO GET UNIQUE LOOK AT U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY WHILE ATTENDING FAST-PACED SUMMER SEMINAR   ANNAPOLIS, Md.- The U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) invited a select group of approximately 2,550 young men and women from around the nation and abroad to attend the Naval Academy Summer Seminar program this year. Summer Seminar is…


Marywood University Music Education Major Earns Scholarship   SCRANTON, PA—Marywood Music Education major, Mollie Nora Host, Montrose, Pa., was recently awarded the 2014 Charlotte Plummer Owen Memorial Scholarship, which is sponsored by Susan Bissiri and is given annually by the Women Band Directors International (WBDI).   Ms. Host was required to complete a rigorous and…


Valley View High School Coaches vs. Cancer The Valley View Community Raised $8,845.00 for the Coaches vs. Cancer Event held at the high school on January 31, 2014. Presenting the check to the American Cancer Society are; Pictured left to right back row; Desiree Voitek, American Cancer Society Senior Representative; Cheryl Aniska, Valley View Health and Physical Education Teacher; Rob…


Senior members of the Lackawanna Trail Varsity Wrestling Squad and their parents were honored at their last home meet of the season on February 4. Seniors honored were; front, from left, Lowell Phillips, Jared Madans, Billy Lee, Tim Griffin, Thomas Fricke, Devon Clarke and Tim Aschenbrenner; middle, Lori Phillips, Candace Madans, Janine Lee, Shirley Yacone,…


Members of the Lackawanna Trail Girls Basketball Team and their parents were honored at a home game on February 4.   Athletes honored were: front, from left, Manager Trista Carpenter, Nicole Rosa and Shannon Jones; middle Malinda Carpenter, Donna Rosa and Jill Jones; back, Matt Carpenter, Victor Rosa and Tim Jones.


Senior members of the Basketball Cheerleading Squad and their parents were honored at their last home game of the season.   Seniors honored were: front, from left, Lindsay Bergey, Mackenzie Gardner, Madeline Giardina and Sarah Scioscia; middle, Betty Jo Bergey, Jacqueline Gardner, Ruth Giardina and Becky Scioscia; back; Chris Bergey, Daniel Gardner, Chris Giardina, Vincent…