Victoria Wolf, an 8th grade student at Riverside Junior Senior High School, received a Silver Key for her ceramic face jug at the 2015 Scholastic Art competition

Victoria Wolf, an 8th grade student at Riverside Junior Senior High School, received a Silver Key for her ceramic face jug at the 2015 Scholastic Art competition. Victoria, who likes to draw,  said that this was her first attempt at ceramics and she “worked very hard kneading the piece to get all of the air bubbles…


MARCH 2015   MAHADY GALLERY  | SURACI GALLERY  | MASLOW STUDY GALLERY FOR CONTEMPORARY ART Marywood University, Shields Center for Visual Arts, 2300 Adams Ave, 18509-1598 • 570.348.6278, Fax 570.340.6023 •  Email:  • URL:  •   MAHADY GALLERY:  2015 Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition for Northeast Pennsylvania, through March 1. Senior Art Exhibition 2015,…

Two Hazleton Area High School chorus students were selected to perform in the Pennsylvania Music Educators District 9 Chorus Festival

HAHS Chorus Members Perform at District Chorus Concert Two Hazleton Area High School chorus students were selected to perform in the Pennsylvania Music Educators District 9 Chorus Festival which will be held January 21st to the 23rd at Tunkhannock Area High School. Pictured are first sopranos Angela LaRose and Ariana Umbriac. The festival will conclude…

Lackawanna Trail High School Principal Dr. Mark Murphy announced the Student of Month and Power of the Paws candidates for the October and November.

Lackawanna Trail High School Principal Dr. Mark Murphy announced the Student of Month and Power of the Paws candidates for the October and November. Students receiving nominations for Student of the Month were nominated by the faculty for their academic effort, citizenship and school service. Students receiving nominations for Power of the Paws were nominated…