Fifty-nine MMI students earn top 10 awards at FBLA regionals and 38 advance to FBLA State Leadership Conference

Fifty-nine MMI Preparatory School students earned certificate awards in the top 10 of their respective events at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Regional Leadership Conference and 38 students will advance to the FBLA State Leadership Conference in Hershey in April. MMI students who advanced to the state competition, and their regional results, are…

Valley View High School Seniors of the Month

These awards are given to a senior who showed excellence throughout the month of December. Senior of the Month is sponsored by the Valley View Student Council and the Blakely/Peckville Lions Club. From Left to Right: Dr. Michael Boccella, Superintendent; Ally Welsch, Art; Mia Mercatili, Music; Annaliese Daiute, Science; and Mr. Joe Koniszewski, Blakely/Peckville Lions…

Valley View High School Seniors of the Month

  Valley View High School Seniors of the Month These awards are given to a senior who showed excellence throughout the month of November. Senior of the Month is sponsored by the Valley View Student Council and the Blakely/Peckville Lions Club. From Left to Right: Dr. Michael Boccella, Superintendent; Alex Powell, Technology Education; Lauren Walsh,…

Marywood University Students Celebrate the Gift of Giving

Marywood University students in the Communication Sciences and Disorders department, Speech-Language and Audiology Clinics, and its student chapter of the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association recently collected gifts to support the University’s Campus Ministry’s Christmas Giving tree project.   The gifts that were collected were then donated to Friends of the Poor for distribution to children…