The Shenandoah Valley Student Council recently held a special dedication where they honored the men and women from the Shenandoah area who had careers as members of the Pennsylvania State Police.

The Shenandoah Valley Student Council recently held a special dedication where they honored the men and women from the Shenandoah area who had careers as members of the Pennsylvania State Police.   Pictured In the photo is two members of the Student Council members holding the plaque L-R: Nick Twardzik, & Blake Florio, along with…

Susquehanna Community High School 4th Marking Period Honor Roll

Susquehanna Community High School 4th Marking Period Honor Roll Highest Honors 93 -100 – 12th Grade –  Daniel Braun, Breanna Bushong, Zachary Collins, Brandon Ferrante, Cori Glidden, Kaitlyn Gow, Miranda Groover, Alyssa Hubal, Kendra Papocchia, Michael Pelicci, Miranda Rhone, Nicole Sherman, Lewis Sparks, Alyssa Sweeney, Kayla Wayman  11th Grade – Hannah Day, Garret Grausgruber, Evan Haley,…

Clean Up for a Clean Cause

Clean Up for a Clean Cause It is a natural duty to keep the Earth a clean and safe environment. Sometimes, however, the Earth is taken forgranted, along with the vital resources it provides for all life. Trash, litter, and pollution are often noticed lying aimlessly on the side of almost every street. As a…

Valley View High School Kyle Kolcharno is awarded Leo of the Year for his outstanding service, dedication, leadership and passion for the Leo Club Organization.

Valley View High School Kyle Kolcharno is awarded Leo of the Year for his outstanding service, dedication, leadership and passion for the Leo Club Organization. Pictured left to right: Larry Pegula, Valley View High School Assistant Principal; William Metschulat, District Coordiantor for the Leo Club; Kyle; Gene Scagliotti, Leo District Governor- 14H; and Stepahanie Anuzewski, …