In the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdown, labor shortages and access to certain products affects numerous industries, including remodeling. Even so, after extra time at home and delays caused by the pandemic, there is high demand for home renovation projects.


If you’re planning a home remodel or construction project, consider these tips to avoid frustration and ensure your vision comes to life.


  1. Do Research and Plan Ahead

Mapping out your project early and thoroughly can help you avoid delays. This is especially important when it comes to materials.

Try searching for alternatives and plan for scarcity.  Looking for recycled, reclaimed or alternative materials can also help in keeping the project moving while trying to stay within budget.

Selecting materials and finishes at the outset, instead of as you progress through the project like you normally would, may mean the materials are available when you need them.


  1. Know Where You’re Willing to Compromise

Whether you’re able or willing to compromise often comes down to why you’re doing the renovation in the first place.

Some homeowners are specific about what they want. After waiting for a long time to do the project you may not be willing to compromise. For others, a time constraint may be the issue so you don’t have the luxury of waiting.


  1. Avoid Making Changes

Once your plans are set and your materials have been ordered, avoid unnecessary delays by changing your project scope or material selection. In this environment, timelines are extremely tight and even minor changes can create significant disruptions.


  1. Choose a Trustworthy Contractor

While these are unusual times, having a reliable contractor can make the project run more smoothly and help you feel more comfortable as the project progresses.  Remember to always check references.

With a trustworthy contractor, if you encounter unexpected bumps along the way, you can be confident they will be handled professionally and appropriately.


  1. Be Patient

Above all, understanding these are unusual times can go a long way toward a more successful project.

Patience will help the project go a lot smoother. Although this may mean accepting longer wait times than you anticipated and a later completion date than you hoped, getting frustrated will not get the project completed any quicker.


Don’t forget to check PAPER SHOP/FINDNFLIP for some cheaper tools and supplies to assist with the remodel.