Free Screenings Offered at Marywood University’s Psychological Services Center
October 10, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
National Depression Screening Day is on October 10, 2019, and across the country, clinics and therapists will be offering free, anonymous, and confidential screenings for depression concerns. This day offers confidential opportunities for individuals to consult a professional to learn more about depression and the symptoms they may be experiencing. Marywood University’s Psychological Services Center, located in the McGowan Center on the university’s campus, will offer free and confidential depression and mood disorders screening. All screenings are open to the community and people of all ages are encouraged to attend.
Almost everyone has experienced depressive symptoms at some point in his or her life. Depressed mood, lack of motivation, loss of energy, and fluctuations in sleep and appetite are some of the hallmark signs of depression. People who suffer from depression may also exhibit physical symptoms which can vary from small discomfort to severe pain. Symptoms may include headaches, sweaty palms, stomach aches, and bodily aches and pain.
While there is still much yet to be discovered about depression, we know that depressive symptoms can usually be either managed or eliminated in time. Although millions of people suffer from depression, many people are afraid to disclose their symptoms for fear that they will suffer humiliation or will look weak or crazy. This day is designed to bring awareness and assistance to those who may be suffering in silence. National Depression Screening Day can help guide you in the next step and refer you to the appropriate resources. After completing a brief questionnaire, participants will be able to meet alone with a therapist to discuss their concerns.
Among other local sites, Marywood University is participating in National Depression Screening Day on October 10, 2019. For directions to the site, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to call 570-348-6269. You may also visit Free educational videos and pamphlets will also be available.